Monday, April 28, 2008

Announcement for 2008 Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School

"I recognized that the power of small individuals could forge and unite in solidarity to bring about the constructive change to the world. Eventually, Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School (GAHRFS) was a true moral blessing and encouragement to me” a reflection made by Ms. Ratchada Arpornsilp, participant from Thailand last year. The May 18 Memorial Foundation is announcing the application for the 2008 Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School. For this year, application is made more competitive to screen the number of applications. Emphasis on organizational partnership is given importance, so applicants endorsed by their organization will be the priority. Since the foundation will not be able to provide multiple translations, English language will be the medium for exchange.The GAHRFS aims to contribute to the development of democracy and human rights throughout Asia. Twenty five (25) participants will be selected from among applicants from all over Asia who have been working for human rights, peace and democracy. They will be given an opportunity to learn and experience the history and development process of human rights and democracy in South Korea. The folk school will also serve as an opportunity for participants to exchange and network with other human rights activists.One of the perks of attending the Folk School is the opportunity to be endorsed for a scholarship. For the last two years the foundation has been supporting scholars to Sungkonghoe University for their Master of Arts in Inter-Asia NGO Studies (MAINS). They were chosen and selected by the folk school committee based on their active participation and performance during the folk school.Interested applicants should download the form enclosed. Applicants are advised to read carefully the guidelines and the rules for their application to be considered. The foundation shall only accept and entertain applicants who will properly comply with the set guide and rules.
This information is available in our website with this link:

Application form is also available here:

Testimonials from the Participants of the 2007 Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School

"Today, years after the supreme sacrifice made by the people of Gwangju, they continue to inspire and teach us lessons, which is why we are here. The Gwangju Uprising reminds us to experience the spirit of democracy in our day to day life. And the democracy groups in Korea; the Folk School in particular has shown us how to make democracy a part of our daily lives. The Folk School by constantly revisiting events of the May 18 Uprising, invites us to re-live the events, the ordeals and the sacrifices of the victims that we may never again be the victims of oppression. By organizing activities such as those we saw at the Liberty Park where young students were immersed in serious discussions on the merits of democracy; the various fora organized to raise awareness of the significance of the May 18 events; the educational tours we had at the Busan Democracy Park and the visit to the Human rights Commission in Seoul, are but a few activities meant to nurture and develop the spirit of democracy in our daily life".
- Mr. Damaso G. Magbual, ANFREL

"Again and again thank you for this chance and I am so grateful for these enlighten learning process here and thank you for endless help what you have done to me. Finally, the sauna bath is really an unforgettable experience where I can be my self without any shame as the human being and acceptance as who am I".
- Ms. Damairia Pakpahan, RUMPUN

"I recognized that the power of small individuals could forge and unite in solidarity to bring about the constructive change to the world. Eventually, Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School (GAHRFS) was a true moral blessing and encouragement to me".
- Ms. Ratchada Arpornsilp, Thailand

"Through this program, all participants were learning that democracy in an on-going process. Democratic process demands times and unstoppable efforts. Democracy was fought and won through eternal vigilance and wary surveillance over decades and for many generations despite of their diverse social, cultural or political context. People were bound and united once their democratic and human right was violated".
- Ms. Nurul Rochayati, Indonesia

Reflection on 2007 Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School

by Ratchada ArpornsilpDuring September 3-14, 2007, I was given a chance by the May 18 Memorial Foundation to participate in Gwangju Asian Human Rights Folk School (GAHRFS) held in Gwangju, the place where democratic uprising was demonstrated and its spirit had prevailed.To me, GAHRFS had led to a great deal of fruition. This significant event consisted of many components ranging among intensive lectures on Korean democratic development and society, discussion to exchange lesson-learnt and experience, individual and group presentation, "Beautiful Holiday" film screening, study trip to National Cemetery of May 18th Democratic Uprising and historical sites, photography workshop, home-stay, rice ball (Joo Muck Bab)making session, sport's activities, and picnic. Well, this was a combination of many various fractions which either deliberately or unintentionally had contributed to the uniqueness and specialization of this program.Definitely GAHRFS accomplished in revitalizing the spirit of May 18 Democratic Uprising in Gwangju taking place in 1980 to other Asian participants. Though Korea has a long history of democratic development and revolution against dictatorship rule, it has so far been overshadowed by its economic success and entertainment K-pop culture in global arena, especially in Asia. Therefore, this event, with a perfectly-blended combination of compatible activities, literally brought me back into 1980, basically equipping me with domestic and global, as well as social, economic and political context of Republic of Korea (ROK or so- called South Korea) during that transitional period due to the assassination of President Park Chung-hee in December the year earlier and the pervasive antagonistic atmosphereof Cold War era with Soviet Union invasion into Afghanistan along with intensive election campaign running around the United States between incumbent Democrat Jimmy Carter and Republican opponent Ronald Reagan.Apparently during that critical juncture in South Korea's political vacuum and prospect for transformation, the world was framed into bipolar with domination of the United States against Soviet Union under the rationale of ideological confrontation. Even since the end of Korean war, ROK has always been the United States' strategic partner in containing Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK or namely North Korea) and balancing the power in the peninsula. Consequently, regardless whatever cost, the United States would prop up the regime that stabilized the country. General Chun Doo-hwan, then Head of the Defense Security Command was in charge of the investigation into the assassination. On May 17, 1980, Chun Doo-hwan repealed all civilian rules, extending martial law to the entire country and disbanding the National Assembly. That was when the people of Gwangju stood up against the military control following by bloody massacre.Another outstanding nature of this folk school was the selection of its participants which was divided into 3 groups considering the working experience of each participant in their respective NGO fields; senior, middle-level and junior. The nationalities were diverse across Asian continent. As a result, GAHRFS had provided an ideal forum of how people with distinguished background and experience could plausibly assemble together to share their common concerns as well as lesson-learnt. The interpersonal relations among participants interacting with one another gave me such an impressive feeling and rare opportunity to actually see people from conflicting area as India and Pakistan or Taiwan and China join the laughter and understanding even still at personal level.At the end of GAHRFS, I realized that people around the world, even they might look different, they precisely shared a great deal of similarity. Thailand’s history and political development also had been through many militarized authoritarian regime and countervailing student movement and democratic uprisings. Besides, I recognized that the power of small individuals could forgeand unite in solidarity to bring about the constructive change to the world. Eventually, GAHRFS was a true moral blessing and encouragement to me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Book Report on The May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising

Book title: The May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising
Published: The May 18th History Compitation Committee of Gwangu City
Translator: Lee Kyung-soon, Ellen Bishop

This book “The May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising” is a non-fiction and historical book about the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising in South Korea. This book have five main chapters. First, The character of the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising, It showed the reason of the uprising and other relevant matters after the May 18 Democratic Uprising.

Second, The last of the Yushin system and the insurgent troops on December 12, 1979, it reported the political background and the Yushin revolution, Yushin System was a typical military dictatorship, Most of the citizens were unhappy this period. Martial law was declared throughout the country after the October 26 incident when the Chief of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency associated Park Churg-hee.

Third, The retreat of democratization. President Choi resigned and Mr. Chun Doo-hwan became the new President. On his new lead, he had adopted 3 measures to disempower the Choi Cabinet. It was a usurpation of political power, it was not democratic, so most of people were unsatisfied. Especially, students all over South Korea, Which gave rise to the student movement.
They had a meeting with the representatives from 23 universities and presidents of the students councils and agreed to stage peaceful demonstrations only on their campus. To me, the students were the main pillar of democratization, they had prepared and appealed to all people to stand up against dictatorship. Anywise, rumor had spread of government attempt to restore the old regime, so campaign for school democratization on campus became a political movement for democratization of the nation, more than 50,000 people participated in the street campaign in “the national democratization rally” on 17th May, at the same day new military power had been preparing for the horrible scene of the day after.

Fourth, The May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising. This chapter showed the day’s quelling the campaign, the beginning of the tragedy, the battle of army, the situation on the 19th of May and the day after until 27 May, the birth of the citizens’ army and the withdrawal of paratroopers.

Fifth, The meaning of the May 18th Gwangju Democratic Uprising, revival of the Gwangju democratic Uprising and meaning.After reading the book, I can imagine the situation during the uprising and its cause. I have my sympathy for the citizens under the dictatorial regime, I felt so sad to see how the military leaders suppress the citizens during the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising, it was merciless and brutal enough to be branded as a massacre, Their cruel actions were irrespective of age or sex, all of these were violation of human rights.

In this book the authors main purpose was to show the activities and characters of the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising, especially the author portrayed a very bad regime as contrasted with the noble deed of the Gwangju citizens who vigorously struggled to gain back democracy.

I am so grateful to the students and youth of Korea, especially the student of Chonnam University who are so brave as well as the rest of the Gwangju citizens who died during The May 18 Democratic Uprising. They started the democratization movement and general consciousness raising. Chonnam student held a general election for the General Student Council that became the leader of the democratization movement. Otherwise the students’ movement was the most fundamental power for democracy, they would be in the first row and the head of campaign and demonstration against military forces. They were responsible also in appealing for people participation with other students, citizens, and professors to participate.

In conclusion, the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising was not a disgrace but an honor, and full of glory. In my opinion, we should keep and point out to all students and people that it was a very important part of history, although they may not have won the battle, but they have shown a great commitment and solidarity for their struggle to bring democracy to South Korea. They did not do it only for their self or family but they did it for our generation and the next generation.

A Day Before Parliamentary Election

Korea’s Parliamentary Election Day is nearing. Held once every five years, the occasion marks a day off on April,09.2008 as elections take place. However, shopping centers, department stores, shops, restaurants, and tourists locations will still be open during regular hours of operation. All banks, government offices, private businesses, and schools will remain closed.for me i was a promoter to all people in down town of Gwangju city go to vote tomorrow. in the campinge have 6 term and in my term have 4 member, a indonesian girl, a korean man and women, and me. on our hand with alot of brochrea and a banna, we started to walked around the down town with yell(Toh Poey Ha Ce Yo) it mean go to vote tomorrow. only 30 mn everyting in our hand had gone. for my own feeling it so diffence between i did this task in Koren and Sweden or Cambodia. for Korean people they so interested what we do or other advertiser, when we give most of people get and say thinak you. but for Sweden or Cambodia's when i did,thire's face so steangth and maybe they think i am a crazy man or mentail problem, most of that said to me No No......

Vouluntees Tour on Uprising Relevant Place

This my tour study at 29, March 2008. that day really fantastic for me. this tour had occured for 50 volunteer,4 staff from Foundation, a Guide, a Driver and Two International intern(one is me), the scedule had stared from 10.00am all participan have to invlove before 5mn in front of The May 18 Cultural Center.

The study tour introdution, that tour focus on 3 aims place, frist Consecrated Ground for the Spirit of Democracy, Civil Rights, Peace and Reconciliation. Second, Chonnam Prov.Hall and May 18 Democracy Rotary. Thirt, The May 18 Cemery, and Education Center for Liberty, Democracy and Justice.

Consecrated Ground for the Spirit of Democracy, Civil Right, Peace and Reconciliation

Althought, The May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising has been a focal point in the Korean Democratization Movement since 1980, the May 18 Memorail Campaign was started with a government grant and privated donationas in 1994. While the graves to the victims of the Uprising were neglected under the pseudo-civillian governments of Chun Doo-hwan and Rho Tae-woo, pro-democracy advoates and regular citizens saw them as sacred ground. Gwangju is constructing a memorial to the uprising in the Sangmu New Town District, the former headquarters of the Martial Law Forces and detention facilities during the Uprising. The memorial include the May 18 Liverty Park and the May 18 Memorial Parck. After the Provincial Government Relocates to its new offices, the old Provincial Government relocates to its new offices, the old Provincial Hall, site of the Citizens Army's last stand, will also be used as a memorial to the Uprising.When the contruction of these memorials are completed, the spirit of May 18 will be engraven on the hearts of all people struggling for liverty, democracy and justice. Gwangju will become a sacred place for democracy, where civil rights, peace and reconcilliation will live forever

The May 18 Cemetery, An Education Center for Liberty, Democracy and Justice

The May 18 Cemetery, Which sits on about 14 acres of land in Ugjon-dong, Puk-gu (North District) was completed in May 1997 and had a commanding view of Mt.Mudung. Atree planting campign startd by citizens on November21,1996 and dedicated to the spirti of democracy, has helped to spread the May 18 message to the whole world.
The May 18 Cemetery also function as an eduction center which teaches that injustice and ictatorship should never return to this country. For the oppressed people of the world who continue to struggle for liberty, democracy and justice, it has become a shrine to democracy, the place have The May 18 Memorial Tower, Photogaphic Memorial Hous, The Monument to Tree Donors, The May 18 Exhibition Room, History Square and Mang-dong old Cemetery.

My Expereance

During the day with the drak sky, the tour was rental a bus and fit for all of folk. the bus tie was circleing and a staff form Foundation said hellow to all audient but in Korean languages, my turn cameing and i had introudued my self. that was discrepancy culture, if i was travelling around or tour to somewhere with my friends that will be someone or all of us become singers or dancer with the culb hard, in Cambodia. but here so quiet, they just speark around or told to someone set next to them only. afew minute after tour guride had introduce somethings but i don't understand cus they spearking only Korean language, for me i just look out window to see all crazy fast vihical on the road, to me Korean like to drive so fast, i think if dangerous occering it will be serious problem. The bus was reached the place, we can call it Freedom Hall, this frist goal have some part but we had started with Photo and Ducument Hall, they walked around and see all the picture and some items, the guied he spork only Korean, so i just learn for the brochler and signal of the borad. nearly an hour to saw Picture Hall, it was nearly a lanch time, so i had leave before a group to help to prepare food for group, that time we was setup Gmeg Peb for food and some bottles of warther. everything had done and group was set all together in 4 lines and eat. me had set in the middle of line, next to me is a korean guy that he study at university, i have a friend from Cambodia(he said). the bigest problem had occure to me, how is your feeling if you going to jail(the prison that put demotrater), for me i feel unconfortable althoungt it not real. me and group of volunteer was got to jail by preten the real situation, the door was close. the group feel nerous with the sound from guide we have to setdown, he had told some life of prisoner. for me it was so differnce between my purpose and was in jail of the idel democratic people, i had feel so stronge and i happy to be here the place of hero. the last for first place we vistied the military court, had make a sence of being jude to the prepirter.

Second place, we had travel around to see the centrl or downtown that was the hotest place during uprising
Third place, The May 18 Cementery, it still the same i can see around but i don't understand from the guride, i throng i had to trep him away. lynna is a woman staff in Foundation and he had was my guide to talking about rilegen or belive, she told me that the bigget riligent here is New Cristant after buddar and the last old Cristant. long the way walk to new cementory i had make a conversation between me and a volunteer, she told me why she want to spork with me, cuz she want improve her English language. that is the same way of cambodian did. the exhabition hall in new cemetery it really fantastic i like they decorated so much, it look like westen style but korean.

Tong Yoeng Expereance

The TongYoeng International Music Festival 2008, Spring Season from March.21 to March 26, 2008. Model stage preparation of TongYoeng Music festival 2008.+ 2008-March-21 Night

Studio 1, they made a Duo concert indoor in the Small Hall that can put maybe 99 people, Perform by musicians Claude Lefebvre and Sangah Nah on Duo concert. This program had show at 10.00pm to 11.00pm.+ 2008-March-22- Indoor youth concert at the gown floor of TIMF.For this programs they focus on youth concert at afternoon, this program has participants by a boy band and girl band. Boy band’s a group have four youth men as members and sings English song. Otherwise girl band had performed after boy band, and they sang and play traditional music instrument.+ Modern musicIt was show at the Small Hall around from 3.00 to 4.00pm,This stage show of Cello and Violin. - Pop and Rock concert.This program had started at 4 o’clock, the stage makes outdoor next to the ocean and it is a public show.

Personal experience

I had join and file trip to TongYeong city for gain experience and find out how TIMF successfully with their work. The night studio 1 was a Duo concert, and it is my first time to listen the type of music like this, it really so interesting to find out the feeling from music. It really good place to show this music concert because of the room was clean and temperature. To me I think TIMF made good decision to run the concern on the mountain, which was a core to make fresh and so deep into the music.After I had visited the TIMF, I see they are so active and success, although I don’t understand what they said in Korean language. By the appearance I wonder why the TIMF can make good international solidarity that was the difficult job, with culture suck, Language and misunderstandings. Otherwise i am so appreciated that TIMF can chose and invite musicians from local and international to perform together.For this file trip. To me, it not only for study bout TIMF, but it made more advantage for understanding with staff in the Foundation. Absolutely, it was a term work and term building.During the time in TongYeong, I know how the Foundation making field trip in domestic. Otherwise I can learn how to make relationship with staff in the Foundation.At the last point, I can see the TongYeoung citizens life, I had traveling around with team, I see many situation likes, house style, people work, communication, shop, infrastructure, market and developing of TongYeoung. That was improving me to understand more about Korean culture and life.

The May 18 Memorial Foundation

The May 18 Memorial Foundation is a non-profil organization established on August 30th, 1994 by the surviving victims of the 1980 Gwangju Uprising, The foundation aims to commemorate as well as continue the spirit of struggle and solidarity of the May 18 Uprising, to countribute to the peaceful reunification of Korea; and to work towards peace and human rights throughout the world. Thus, the spirit of the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising is inherited and passed on, on significantly influencing the progress of democracy in Korea.Since its establishment, the foundation has carried out numerous projects in various fields, including organizing memorial events, establishing scholarships, fostering research, disseminating information to the public, publishing relevant materials, dispensing charity and welfare benefits, building international solidarity, and awarding The Gwnagju Prize for Human Rights.For more information

That is my NGO that i will working for 10 months till Janury,2009. the NGO located in Gwnagju, South Korea. otherwise i was assigned to in the International Internship Program on Human Rights,
The program was having strives to contribute to development of democracy and human rights throughout Asia by recruting two interns from abroad, who have been working for human rights and peace organizations in their own countries, and by giving them an opportunity to experience and learn the history and the development process of human rights and democracy in South Korea, particularly the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising. Interns will have chance to exchange and network with Korean civil society groups. They can also choose or will be assigned a topic to research while doing their internship program. As interns, they will be assigned particular duties and responsibilities as part of the Culture and Solidarity Team.

The May 18 Memorial Foundation

Watch an Australian current affairs story on Phnom Penh evictions