Thursday, April 24, 2008

The May 18 Memorial Foundation

The May 18 Memorial Foundation is a non-profil organization established on August 30th, 1994 by the surviving victims of the 1980 Gwangju Uprising, The foundation aims to commemorate as well as continue the spirit of struggle and solidarity of the May 18 Uprising, to countribute to the peaceful reunification of Korea; and to work towards peace and human rights throughout the world. Thus, the spirit of the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Uprising is inherited and passed on, on significantly influencing the progress of democracy in Korea.Since its establishment, the foundation has carried out numerous projects in various fields, including organizing memorial events, establishing scholarships, fostering research, disseminating information to the public, publishing relevant materials, dispensing charity and welfare benefits, building international solidarity, and awarding The Gwnagju Prize for Human Rights.For more information

That is my NGO that i will working for 10 months till Janury,2009. the NGO located in Gwnagju, South Korea. otherwise i was assigned to in the International Internship Program on Human Rights,
The program was having strives to contribute to development of democracy and human rights throughout Asia by recruting two interns from abroad, who have been working for human rights and peace organizations in their own countries, and by giving them an opportunity to experience and learn the history and the development process of human rights and democracy in South Korea, particularly the 1980 Gwangju Democratic Uprising. Interns will have chance to exchange and network with Korean civil society groups. They can also choose or will be assigned a topic to research while doing their internship program. As interns, they will be assigned particular duties and responsibilities as part of the Culture and Solidarity Team.

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The May 18 Memorial Foundation

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